In today's increasingly interconnected world, the ability to adapt your mobile app to different languages and cultures is a crucial aspect of reaching a broader audience. As an iOS developer, you have access to powerful tools and techniques within Xcode and SwiftUI that streamline the localization process. In this blog post, I'll walk you through the process of localizing your iOS mobile app, from setting up your project to testing the final result. Whether you're new to localization or looking to improve your existing skills, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and practical examples to enhance your app's user experience on a global scale.

Understanding iOS Localization

Before diving into the details of iOS localization, it's essential to understand the basic concepts behind it. Localization is the process of adapting your app's content and interface to suit different languages and cultures. This includes translating text, formatting dates and numbers, and adjusting visual elements to accommodate various writing systems and reading directions.

Internationalization, on the other hand, is the process of designing and implementing your app in a way that makes it easy to localize. Essentially, it involves structuring your code and resources so that they can be easily adapted for different locales without requiring major changes. In the context of iOS development, localization and internationalization often go hand in hand.

Now that you have a better understanding of localization and internationalization let's dive into the components of iOS localization. iOS localization consists of three main parts:

  • Localizing text strings in your code, which includes Swift and SwiftUI code, as well as user interface elements in Interface Builder.
  • Localizing app metadata, such as app name, description, and keywords, which are displayed on the App Store.
  • Localizing resources, like images, videos, and other assets, to ensure a consistent user experience across different locales.

In the following sections, I'll cover each of these components in detail and provide code examples to help you effectively localize your iOS mobile app.

Setting up your iOS project for localization

To get started with localization, you need to configure your project's settings in Xcode. This involves enabling base internationalization and adding the languages you want to support.

Using Xcode to configure localization settings

  • Open your project in Xcode.
  • Select the project in the Project Navigator.
  • In the main editor area, click on the "Info" tab.
  • Under the "Localizations" section, you'll see a list of languages your app currently supports. By default, your app will only support the "Development Language," which is typically English.

To add a new language, click the "+" button below the list and choose the desired language from the dropdown menu. Xcode will create a new folder in your project directory with the language's ISO code (e.g., "es" for Spanish), as well as any necessary .strings files and .lproj folders.

The base internationalization feature in Xcode

Base internationalization is a feature in Xcode that simplifies the process of localizing your app's user interface elements. When you enable base internationalization, Xcode automatically separates the content (text, images, etc.) from the layout (constraints, sizing, etc.) in your storyboard and XIB files. This allows you to manage content for different languages without having to maintain separate copies of your layout files.

To enable base internationalization:

  • In the "Info" tab, scroll down to the "Project" section.
  • Check the box next to "Use Base Internationalization."

The .lproj folders and .strings files in your project

When you add a new language to your project, Xcode creates a folder with the language's ISO code, followed by the .lproj extension (e.g., "es.lproj" for Spanish). These .lproj folders contain the .strings files, which store the translations for your app's text content.

Each .strings file is essentially a key-value store, with each key representing a piece of text in your app and its corresponding value being the translation in the target language. For example:

/* Welcome message */
"welcome_message" = "¡Bienvenido a nuestra aplicación!";

In the next sections, I'll explain how to use these .strings files to localize your Swift code, SwiftUI views, and Interface Builder elements.

Localizing strings in your Swift code

To localize the text strings in your Swift code, you'll use the NSLocalizedString function. This function retrieves the appropriate translation for a given key from your .strings files, based on the user's current language settings.

Using NSLocalizedString to localize text

The basic syntax for NSLocalizedString is as follows:

NSLocalizedString("key", comment: "Description of the text")

The key parameter is a string that corresponds to the key in your .strings files, and the comment parameter is a brief description to provide context for translators. The NSLocalizedString function returns the translated string if it's available, or the key itself if no translation is found.

Code example: Localizing a simple UILabel

Here's an example of how to use NSLocalizedString to localize the text of a UILabel:

1. In your Swift code, create a UILabel and set its text using NSLocalizedString:

let welcomeLabel = UILabel()
welcomeLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("welcome_message", comment: "Welcome message displayed on the home screen")

2. In your .strings files, add the key and translation for the welcome message:

In en.lproj/Localizable.strings (English):

/* Welcome message displayed on the home screen */
"welcome_message" = "Welcome to our app!";

In es.lproj/Localizable.strings (Spanish):

/* Welcome message displayed on the home screen */
"welcome_message" = "¡Bienvenido a nuestra aplicación!";

Best practices for using NSLocalizedString

  • Use descriptive keys: Make your keys meaningful and descriptive, as they will be used as fallback values if no translation is available.
  • Provide context with comments: Provide context for translators by including a brief comment that describes where and how the text is used in your app.
  • Group related strings: Organize your .strings files by grouping related keys together, using comments as section headers.
  • Keep strings short and simple: Break up long sentences and paragraphs into smaller, more manageable strings. This makes it easier for translators to understand and translate your content accurately.

Localizing with SwiftUI

SwiftUI, Apple's modern UI framework, has built-in support for localization using the Text view and the LocalizedStringKey type. In this section, I'll explain how to localize text in SwiftUI and provide a code example.

How SwiftUI handles localization

In SwiftUI, the Text view automatically handles localization for you. When you create a Text view with a string, SwiftUI treats that string as a LocalizedStringKey. This means that SwiftUI will automatically look up the appropriate translation in your .strings files based on the user's current language settings.

Using the Text view with the LocalizedStringKey type

To create a localized Text view in SwiftUI, simply pass the key for the text you want to display as the argument:


Code example: Localizing a Text view in SwiftUI

1. In your SwiftUI code, create a Text view with the key for the welcome message:

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {

2. In your .strings files, add the key and translation for the welcome message, as shown in the UILabel example earlier.

By following these steps, your SwiftUI Text view will display the appropriate translation based on the user's language settings.

Localizing user interface elements in Interface Builder

In addition to localizing text in your Swift and SwiftUI code, you'll also need to localize the user interface elements in your storyboard and XIB files. In this section, I'll explain how to do this using Interface Builder and provide a code example.

Localizing storyboard and XIB files

1. Open the storyboard or XIB file you want to localize in Interface Builder.
2. In the File Inspector, check the box next to the language you want to support under "Localization." This will create a .strings file for that language, containing the text from your user interface elements.

Code example: Localizing a UIButton in Interface Builder

Here's an example of how to localize the title of a UIButton in Interface Builder:

  • In Interface Builder, select the UIButton you want to localize.
  • In the Attributes Inspector, set the UIButton's title to a meaningful key, such as "submit_button."
  • In the File Inspector, check the box next to the language you want to support under "Localization." This will create a .strings file for that language, containing the text from your UIButton.
  • Open the .strings file for the desired language (e.g., "en.lproj/Main.strings" for English or "es.lproj/Main.strings" for Spanish).
  • Find the line that corresponds to the UIButton's title and add the appropriate translation. For example:

In en.lproj/Main.strings (English):

/* Class = "UIButton"; title = "submit_button"; ObjectID = "1234-ABCD"; */
"1234-ABCD.title" = "Submit";

In es.lproj/Main.strings (Spanish):

/* Class = "UIButton"; title = "submit_button"; ObjectID = "1234-ABCD"; */
"1234-ABCD.title" = "Enviar";

Handling layout changes due to localization

When you localize your app, you may encounter layout issues due to differences in text length, font size, or reading direction between languages. To accommodate these changes, use Auto Layout constraints and stack views to create flexible layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and languages.

Additionally, you can use Xcode's Preview feature to preview your localized interface in different languages and regions. This helps you identify and resolve any layout issues before deploying your app.

Localizing app metadata and resources

In addition to localizing the content within your app, you'll also need to localize your app's metadata and resources. This includes the app name, description, and keywords displayed on the App Store, as well as images, videos, and other assets used in your app.

Localizing app name, description, and keywords in App Store Connect

To localize your app's metadata for the App Store:

  • Sign in to App Store Connect and select your app.
  • In the sidebar, click on "App Information."
  • Under the "Localizations" section, click on the "+" button to add a new language.
  • Enter the translated app name, subtitle, and keywords for the new language.
  • Click "Save."

Localizing images, videos, and other assets

To localize your app's resources, such as images and videos, follow these steps:

  • Create a new folder named "Assets" within each .lproj folder for the languages you want to support (e.g., "en.lproj/Assets" and "es.lproj/Assets").
  • Place the localized versions of your resources in the corresponding "Assets" folder for each language.
  • In your code, use the UIImage(named:in:compatibleWith:) method to load the appropriate localized image based on the user's language settings:
let imageName = "welcome_image"
let languageBundle = Bundle.main.path(forResource: Locale.current.languageCode, ofType: "lproj")
let localizedImage = UIImage(named: imageName, in: languageBundle, compatibleWith: nil)

Code example: Localizing an image in your app

Assuming you have an English image called "welcome_image_en.png" and a Spanish image called "welcome_image_es.png," follow these steps to localize the image in your app:

  • Place the English image in the "en.lproj/Assets" folder and name it "welcome_image.png."
  • Place the Spanish image in the "es.lproj/Assets" folder and name it "welcome_image.png."
  • In your Swift code, use the UIImage(named:in:compatibleWith:) method to load the appropriate localized image based on the user's language settings:
let imageName = "welcome_image"
if let languageCode = Locale.current.languageCode,
   let languageBundlePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: languageCode, ofType: "lproj"),
   let languageBundle = Bundle(path: languageBundlePath) {
    let localizedImage = UIImage(named: imageName, in: languageBundle, compatibleWith: nil)
    let imageView = UIImageView(image: localizedImage)
    // Add the imageView to your view hierarchy or set it as the image for an existing UIImageView
} else {
    print("Error loading localized image")

By following these steps, your app will display the appropriate localized image based on the user's language settings.

Testing your localized app

Once you've localized your app's content, interface, metadata, and resources, it's essential to test your app thoroughly to ensure a consistent and high-quality user experience across different languages and regions.

Using Xcode's simulator to test different languages and regions

To test your app in different languages and regions, use Xcode's simulator and change the language and region settings:

  • Launch the simulator and open the Settings app.
  • Go to "General" > "Language & Region."
  • Change the "iPhone Language" and "Region" to the desired settings.
  • Close the Settings app and launch your app to see the localized content.

Using Xcode's Preview feature to test SwiftUI views

For SwiftUI views, you can use Xcode's Preview feature to quickly test your views in different languages and regions:

1. In your SwiftUI preview code, import the Foundation framework:

import Foundation

Create a new Locale instance with the desired language and region settings:

let spanishLocale = Locale(identifier: "es_ES")

Use the .environment(\.locale, ...) modifier to apply the new locale to your preview:

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
            .environment(\.locale, Locale(identifier: "es_ES"))

By following these steps, you can preview your SwiftUI views with different language and region settings directly in Xcode.


Localization is a crucial aspect of developing a successful iOS app with a broad reach. By leveraging the powerful tools and techniques in Xcode, Swift, and SwiftUI, you can create a seamless and consistent user experience for your global audience. In this blog post, I've covered the key components of iOS localization, from setting up your project and localizing text strings to managing app metadata and resources. With these skills in hand, you're well-equipped to create an app that truly speaks to users around the world.

Happy localizing!