Laravel Localization is a powerful feature provided by the Laravel PHP framework, allowing developers to build multilingual applications that cater to diverse audiences. The process of adapting an application for various languages and regions is essential for businesses aiming to expand globally and reach users from different cultural backgrounds.

In this article, we will explore the key concepts and techniques involved in Laravel Localization, including managing translation files, using translation functions, handling date and time localization with Carbon, and implementing best practices for multilingual Laravel applications.

By mastering Laravel Localization, you can provide a seamless user experience for people who speak different languages and create a truly global product that meets the needs of users from various cultural backgrounds. So, let's dive into the world of Laravel Localization and learn how to create a successful multilingual Laravel application! 

Setting Up Laravel Localization

Before diving into Laravel's powerful localization features, it's essential to understand the basic structure and configuration of localization in a Laravel project. This section will guide you through the initial steps of setting up Laravel localization.

Laravel's default localization structure

In a Laravel project, you'll find the localization files stored in the resources/lang directory. By default, Laravel comes with an English language folder (named en) containing a variety of files for translating validation messages, authentication prompts, and more.

Creating new language files

To add support for additional languages, simply create a new folder within the resources/lang directory, using the appropriate language code (e.g., es for Spanish or fr for French). Then, create new translation files within this folder, mirroring the structure of the existing English files.

For example, if you want to add Spanish translations to your application, you would create a resources/lang/es folder and add corresponding translation files (e.g., messages.php, validation.php, etc.) containing the Spanish translations.

However, with Transiyzi, a powerful software localization tool, managing translations becomes much easier and more efficient, saving you time and effort in the process.

Configuring the locale

Laravel uses the locale configuration option to determine the default language for your application. You can set this value in the config/app.php file:

'locale' => 'en',

To change the default language, simply update the locale value with the appropriate language code:

'locale' => 'es',

You can also dynamically set the application's locale at runtime using the setLocale method on the App facade:


With these basics in place, you're now ready to explore Laravel's various translation functions and localization features in more detail.

Laravel Translation Functions

Now that we've set up the localization structure, it's time to learn about Laravel's built-in translation functions. Laravel provides a variety of functions and Blade directives for translating text in your application. In this section, we'll discuss the __('key') function, the @lang('key') Blade directive, and the trans() and trans_choice() helper functions.

__('key') function

The __('key') function is a convenient way to translate a given translation key in your application. It retrieves the translation for the specified key from the current locale's language files. If a translation is not found, it will return the key itself. Here's an example:

echo __('messages.welcome');

@lang('key') Blade directive

The @lang('key') directive allows you to translate text within your Blade templates. It works similarly to the __('key') function, retrieving the translation for the given key from the language files. Here's an example of using the @lang directive in a Blade template:


trans() and trans_choice() helper functions

Laravel also provides the trans() and trans_choice() helper functions for translations. The trans() function is an alias of the __('key') function and works in the same way. The trans_choice() function, on the other hand, is used for pluralization and allows you to define translation strings with countable placeholders. Here's an example:

In your language file:

'items' => '{0} There are no items.|{1} There is one item.|[2,*] There are :count items.',

In your application code:

echo trans_choice('messages.items', $count, ['count' => $count]);

Now that we've explored the various translation functions and directives available in Laravel, we'll move on to implementing localization in Blade templates, where we'll discuss using translation strings and pluralization with Blade directives.

Localization in Blade Templates

Blade, Laravel's powerful templating engine, offers native support for localization, making it easier than ever to create multilingual applications. In this section, we'll explore using translation strings in Blade and handling pluralization with Blade directives.

Using translation strings in Blade

In addition to the @lang('key') directive, Blade also supports translation strings using the double curly brace syntax {{ }}. This allows you to translate text directly within your Blade templates without needing to define translation keys in your language files.

For example, in your Blade template, you can use:

{{ __('Welcome to our application!') }}

If a translation for the given text is not available in the current language, the original text will be displayed.

Pluralization with Blade directives

Handling pluralization in multilingual applications can be tricky, but Laravel's Blade engine simplifies this process with the @choice directive. The @choice directive allows you to define translation strings with countable placeholders, similar to the trans_choice() helper function.

In your language file:

'apples' => '{0} There are no apples.|{1} There is one apple.|[2,*] There are :count apples.',

In your Blade template:

@choice('messages.apples', $count, ['count' => $count])

The @choice directive will display the appropriate translation based on the value of $count.

With these localization techniques in Blade, you can create dynamic, multilingual user interfaces that adapt to your users' preferred languages. In the next section, we'll discuss middleware and route localization, which allow you to further customize your application's localization experience.

With the help of Transiyzi, managing your software localization and translation management system becomes a breeze, allowing you to focus on delivering the best user experience to your multilingual audience.

Middleware and Route Localization

Middleware and route localization are important aspects of Laravel localization that enable seamless language switching and better user experience in your multilingual application. In this section, we'll cover creating middleware for locale detection and localizing routes in Laravel.

Creating middleware for locale detection

Middleware can be used to automatically detect and set the user's preferred language based on various criteria, such as browser settings or a URL parameter. To create a new middleware for locale detection, run the following command:

php artisan make:middleware SetLocale

This will generate a new middleware file in the app/Http/Middleware directory. Edit the SetLocale.php file and implement your preferred logic for detecting the user's language. For example, you can use the Accept-Language header sent by the user's browser:

public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
    $locale = $request->getPreferredLanguage(config('app.available_locales'));

    return $next($request);

Don't forget to register your middleware in the app/Http/Kernel.php file.

Localizing routes in Laravel

Localizing routes in Laravel allows you to create URLs that include the user's chosen language, providing a more intuitive navigation experience. To localize routes, you can use route groups with a language prefix and apply your localization middleware to the group:

    ->group(function () {
        Route::get('/', 'HomeController@index')->name('home');
        // Additional localized routes go here

In this example, the setLocale middleware will handle the language detection and set the application's locale accordingly. The {locale} prefix in the route group will ensure that the URLs include the chosen language.

With middleware and route localization in place, your Laravel application is now well-equipped to handle a multilingual user base. In the next section, we'll discuss handling dates and times in Laravel localization, an important aspect of creating culturally appropriate and user-friendly applications.

Handling Dates and Times in Laravel Localization

Dealing with dates and times in a multilingual application can be challenging, as different languages and cultures have unique formatting preferences. Laravel provides a convenient way to handle date and time localization using the Carbon library. In this section, we'll explore using Carbon to localize dates and times in your Laravel application.

Introduction to Carbon

Carbon is a powerful date and time manipulation library for PHP, which is included with Laravel by default. It extends the native PHP DateTime class with additional functionality and provides support for localization.

Localizing dates and times with Carbon

To localize dates and times with Carbon, you'll need to set the locale for the Carbon instance. This can be done using the setLocale() method, which accepts the desired language code as its argument:


Once the locale has been set, you can use Carbon's various formatting methods to display dates and times in the user's preferred language. For example, to display the current date and time in a localized format, you can use the now() method and the isoFormat() method:

echo \Carbon\Carbon::now()->isoFormat('LLLL');

This will output the current date and time in a format that is appropriate for the user's language and locale.

Using Carbon with Laravel's localization features

You can combine Carbon's localization capabilities with Laravel's built-in localization features to create a fully localized date and time experience. For example, you could use middleware to detect the user's language and set both the Laravel and Carbon locales accordingly:

public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
    $locale = $request->getPreferredLanguage(config('app.available_locales'));

    return $next($request);

By handling dates and times in a localized manner, your Laravel application will cater to the unique formatting preferences of users from various cultures and backgrounds. In the next and final section, we'll discuss some best practices for Laravel localization to help you create efficient and maintainable multilingual applications.

You can combine Carbon's localization capabilities with Laravel's built-in localization features and Transiyzi's software localization solution to create a fully localized date and time experience.

Best Practices for Laravel Localization

Creating a well-structured and maintainable multilingual application is crucial for long-term success. In this final section, we'll discuss some best practices for Laravel localization that can help you develop efficient, scalable, and user-friendly multilingual applications.

Keep language files organized

Organizing your language files is essential for maintainability. Group related translation keys together and use a consistent naming convention. Consider creating separate language files for different areas of your application, such as authentication, validation, or specific features.

Use descriptive translation keys

Using descriptive translation keys makes it easier to understand the context of each translation string. Avoid generic keys like 'message1' or 'text2'; instead, use keys that provide context, such as 'auth.login_failed' or 'validation.email_required'.

Use placeholders for dynamic content

When translating strings that include dynamic content, use placeholders to separate the translatable text from the dynamic content. This makes it easier for translators to understand the structure of the translation string and reduces the risk of errors.

Leverage Laravel's built-in localization features

Laravel provides a rich set of localization features, such as translation functions, Blade directives, and the Carbon library. Make the most of these tools to create a seamless localization experience in your application.

Test your application in multiple languages

Thoroughly test your application in all supported languages to ensure a consistent user experience. Pay attention to details such as text alignment, date and time formatting, and pluralization rules.

Regularly update translations

As your application evolves, new features and changes may require updates to your translations. Establish a process for regularly updating translations and ensure that translators have access to the necessary context and resources.

By following these best practices for Laravel localization, you'll be well on your way to creating a successful, user-friendly, and maintainable multilingual application. Keep learning and experimenting with Laravel's powerful localization features to build the best experience for your users, no matter their language or locale.

Remember to:

  • Understand the basics of Laravel localization and the structure of language files.
  • Leverage translation functions and Blade directives for dynamic content.
  • Implement middleware and route localization for seamless language switching.
  • Utilize Carbon for handling dates and times in a localized manner.
  • Follow best practices for organizing language files, using descriptive translation keys, and maintaining translations.

In conclusion, Laravel localization is a powerful feature that allows you to create multilingual applications that cater to a diverse audience. By following the guidance in this blog post, you can develop an efficient, scalable, and user-friendly application that meets the needs of users from various cultures and backgrounds. Utilizing Transiyzi's software localization solutions streamlines the process, saving you time, ensuring consistency across all languages, and enabling seamless integration of translations in your application. Embrace the potential of Laravel localization combined with Transiyzi's innovative solutions to expand your application's reach and provide a truly global user experience. Keep learning and experimenting with Laravel's powerful features to build the best experience for your users, no matter their language or locale. Good luck on your localization journey with Transiyzi!